Person centred services for the people of Barnet

The Barnet Group is a local authority trading company created in February 2012. We are owned by Barnet Council.

We are the parent company to:

Barnet Homes – manages the borough’s 13,000 council homes on behalf of Barnet Council. It also works to prevent homelessness and allocates homes to social housing applicants.

Your Choice Barnet – an adult social care company that provides services to adults with learning and physical disabilities and autism.

TBG Flex – recruits and employs new staff for The Barnet Group. Flex is the Group’s one-stop shop for resourcing staff and will be fundamental to making our business growth strategies commercially viable in the future.

Opendoor Homes –  a subsidiary of Barnet Homes which gained Registered Provider status from the Homes and Communities Agency in 2016. Opendoor is now landlord to over 500 homes; a number which continues to grow.

Bumblebee Property –  An online estate agents providing quality bespoke property services to landlords and tenants, throughout Barnet and the surrounding areas. Bumblebee was set up by The Barnet Group to offer customers a trustworthy and accountable service, mixing public sector values with private sector professionalism.

Our companies

Our services